Barnful of Quilts 2022 - some closing thoughts

After 6 months of crazy quilting, that almost blew up all my sewing machines, I finished the last quilt and the Barnful of Quilts show happened. My 24 quilts along with 4 special quilts were hung in the huge middle horse ring complete with little signs that told each quilt's story. 
I was one among many fiber artists there that day. 
The barn looked like Joseph wearing his coat of many colors - brilliant and resplendent. 
I'm digging deep here to find words to describe the visual feast, but words are not enough! 
We were gifted with a gloriously warm and sunny October day. 
Everything down to the last detail was perfect. 
The people who attended were there because they have a passion for quilts, for quilters, and for      Valerie Fox, who spend half a year organizing and then opened up her barn for all to enjoy.
Quilters are the memory keepers and storytellers, 
every person I spoke with that day had so much to share. 
Everyone was a 'want to', there were no 'have to' anywhere.
In the end, it wasn't even about the quilts - those were the eye candy,
 it was the people gathered together!
So many cozy conversations and sweet remembrances, pure treasures 
that I will smile about for a long time to come.



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